, Edson Udson - Universal Movimento de Consciência: Universal Movement of cosciousness - Justin Bieber ''Pray''

Um grande movimento pela paz, amor e liberdade ao redor do mundo. Pelas crianças do mundo todo

Lomadee, uma nova espécie na web. A maior plataforma de afiliados da América Latina.

domingo, 20 de maio de 2012

Universal Movement of cosciousness - Justin Bieber ''Pray''

A great movement for peace, love and freedom around of the world, but to get results and solve problems like poverty, abuse and violence is needed "union" and "goodwill" translated into a single word ... "love." Respecting and preserving nature and combating differences such as sexuality, racism, or culture and accepting any kind of love, without any discrimination, anywhere for anything. I believe it's possible ... because love, respect and freedom are all good.
by children around the world

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Lomadee, uma nova espécie na web. A maior plataforma de afiliados da América Latina.